A disinfectant is basically an agent, which destroys pathogenic organism. A good disinfectant should also be a deodorant possessing good keeping qualities. And it would be effective against microorganism of widely varying types. Disinfectant is a general term used to describe a broad class of chemicals employed to destroy harmful bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. They are part of many of the products like household cleaners, tooth pastes, shaving creams. Widerange of chemical products are classified as disinfectants. These include Chlorine and chloro compounds, Iodine and Iodophors, alcohols, aldehydes, phenols, quaternary ammonium compounds. This group of specialty chemicals is a fast growing segment. Phenyl type disinfectants fall in the category of black oil disinfectants and are extensively used for sanitation purposes, for drains, floor, stables etc. and are prepared from coal tar distillates containing high boiling tar acids. These are, however, less, affected in contact with organic matter. Phenyl is being used since very beginning for killing insects grown in nallahas, lavatory and kooradan. Most of the diseases causes due to insects. White phenyl (phenyle) is most suitable to fight dirt and germs in the house including kitchen appliances, carpets and other items.It is basically an agent, which destroys pathogenic organism, and hence its uses are numerous. It is extensively used in for sanitation purposes for drains, floors, stables, etc. As these are slightly soluble in water, have to be emulsified for use as disinfections. White phenyl is finding wide spread use and acceptance as hard surface cleaner to remove greasy, fatty and oily soils or various non-porous hard surfaces like floors, bathrooms marbles, ceramics, metals, plastics, concrete, granite, walls, cabinet, appliances etc. The surface cleanser and disinfectants market has grown in value terms to an estimated Rs 6 bn a year. Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest.